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“match girls strike” I doubt there was a pun intended when their jaws were falling off.
I had a quick chat with my mom today and she noticed it has been a while since I wrote a note.
I’ve been working my full-time job, working on other projects during my time off, baking, and also following several court cases and listening to history podcasts (I listen to Emily D. Baker Show #lawnerd, and Bailey Sarian’s Dark History), etc. … so, I wrote a note today.
It is evident I never go into these notes with expectations.
Today is no different.
It is inspired by this episode of Dark History I listened to here, and my ever developing case against money and how it should be abolished one day (because it just makes zero sense to me, a logical human being, and one day I’ll have all the proof I need, even though, dying women and children barely moved this system, so, logically it seems as though an effort like this would make little impact, so they say, so they want you to say. To continue this effort is worth snuffing out this wild fire that is money, we are smart enough to develop a different design, though we are innately creatures of habit and this is one of the worst we have collectively picked up it is still doable, we are planning to colonize mars for fucks sake… a fucking rocket just flew back to it’s launch pad in reverse just the other day)
woman and child slavery was and STILL is a lucrative exploitation by capitalistic entities
developing a proof
historical case #1
the Match Girls Strike 1888 TUC Archive here
white phosphorous exposure info here (info quoted below)
the company knew that women and children were suffering from white phosphorous but continued to use the mineral instead on the safer but slightly more expensive option, red phosphorous.
white phosphorous exposure (please follow the link above for CDC reference)…
“Stage 3: Nausea, vomiting (bloody; hematemesis), and diarrhoea; liver enlargement and tenderness and clinical signs of liver damage; blood vessels become fragile and blood stops clotting properly, resulting in bleeding into the skin, mucous membranes, and various organs; severe kidney damage and failure; seizures, delirium, and coma; cardiovascular collapse; and death may occur within 4 to 8 days.”
“White phosphorus is not classifiable as a carcinogen. However, it is not a suspected carcinogen. It is unknown whether chronic or repeated exposure to white phosphorus increases the risk of reproductive toxicity or developmental toxicity. Chronic industrial inhalation exposure to white phosphorus fumes has resulted in various symptoms. Examples include general disability, inflammation of the large airways (bronchitis), anemia, physical wasting and malnutrition (cachexia), and destruction of the jaw bones, called “phossy jaw” or “Lucifer’s jaw.””
since then London has come a long way…
I used to really love math when I was younger, I remember enjoying a lesson covering mathematical truths… sometimes I think of the world like this… I can see how one variable effects another variable just as any other rational human being might do, and then you prove it logically
I am sure this has been done by an actual mathematician (honestly, it’s been so long I barely recall anything now) but if I were to develop the most rudimentary theorem
these are all estimates based on loose research of that time, this is not to be taken as a fact just a very rough guess and starting point (unforutnately, I also have to work several hours a day and don’t get paid for this)
(A WORK IN PROGRESS 21/11/2024)
capitalist entity (Bryant & May)-> is a detrimental variable in this case every 4-5 years 3/4 of employees gets extremely ill, 1/3 of employees lose their jaw and development permanent brain damage, 1/4 of employees die
150 logs a day
employed about 5,000 women and girls later years lessen to roughly 1200-1400 women and girls (probably because of how the long term toxic exposure is now killing and deforming the women and children.)
each girl 12-14 hour days 6 days a week 8 shillings per week (not including several fines deducted from wages if late to work, caught doing anything other than eating during break, looking unkept, having dirty feet because they couldn’t afford shoes and their required matching making equipment, going to the bathroom outside of your break, talking. etc.)
even though I typically don’t like using Wikipedia as a reference…
“In the 1880s Bryant & May employed nearly 5,000 people, most of them female and Irish, or of Irish descent;[8] by 1895 the figure was 2,000 people, of whom between 1,200 and 1,500 were women and girls.[10] The workers were paid different rates for completing a ten-hour day, depending on the type of work undertaken.[11] The frame-fillers were paid 1 shilling per 100 frames completed; the cutters received 23⁄4 d for three gross of boxes, and the packers got 1s 9d per 100 boxes wrapped up. Those under 14 years of-age received a weekly wage of about 4 s.[12] Most workers were lucky if they took the full amounts home, as a series of fines were levied by the foremen, with the money deducted directly from wages. The fines included 3 d for having an untidy workbench, talking or having dirty feet—many of the workers were bare-footed as shoes were too expensive; 5 d was deducted for being late; and a shilling for having a burnt match on the workbench. The women and girls involved in boxing up the matches had to pay the boys who brought them the frames from the drying ovens, and had to supply their own glue and brushes. One girl who dropped a tray of matches was fined 6 d.[13][14]”
the variable questions so far:
what does “d” stand for?
what is a shilling
how much was a bryant and may matchbox?
will continue this exploration at a later date
I’m sure any logical human can probably guess where I am going to head with this, yes, cobalt, copper, lithium just to start with