frequency orange
Laura Hydle, frequency orange, colour marker on a4 printer paper, 2024
i wrote
“frequency 3000”
not really knowing why I specifically put “3000”… it sounded futuristic… like a ride at local county fairs or pop-up “fun parks”.
I know why I said frequency, but now that I try to put it in words, it feels wrong…
I know going further I may not always make sense, but at some point it will make sense, and at some point someone will see this when they need to see this.
sometimes I believe even little things I do, grammar mistakes or sitting on the second floor of a dirty double decker, happens for a divine purpose that may not feel significant in this particular cycle or ever… it feels like a thing one does naturally without trying, like breathing, or growing old, it is like a collective involuntary happening or a collective automatic function designed for our greater good. I am in awe of how absolutely everything makes no sense until it does.
I just remembered why I actually wrote “frequency 3000”… yesterday, I was playing with colours. In our universe we have a particular unique frequency that gives us the wonderful colours I can use to make pictures… Again, no reason why I really used the word 3000, but it is to do with colours and OUR LIGHT, I am specificying another language, a code for who we are, but it is intentional, it is intentional, it is intentional. So when I saw 3000 you know what I mean, and it wouldn’t make any sense for me to say 4000, what street are we on again? oh ya I see the colour orange, we must be in the right place.
I have been working with a lady who says the colour “orange” quite often, and so I decided to edit the title, “frequency orange”
transitioning, settling, into a sort of hibernation, safety, it feels safe. this is it for now.