I love reading fiction, but I didn’t realise how much I needed to read The Bees by Laline Paull…
*SPOILERS* *SPOILERS* *SPOILERS* *and emotionally tolling content is suggested and stated in this note. Please, take care of yourself.*
Like fuel to a fire… a moment that truly satisfied this anger I held tightly inside me has been fed by the honey bee society, which is not fiction at all, but presented itself to me as a fiction based on fact of the matter…
male honey bees only have one purpose, to mate with a queen bee and after performing it’s life’s sole purpose, the drone dies. During the winter times, if the drone has not mated, it becomes most practical to kill the drone when resources are scarce.
Anytime I see men in our society try to control and punish us for being women, I automatically think of this scenario, I wish we were bees some days… Of course, this is not including all the amazing and beautiful men who live in this world, who are intelligent not only naturally / academically but emotionally, to them I’m grateful. However… violence against women and governments allowing for horrific acts to continue to women is appalling. I immediately think of the sister bees hypnotically dancing around the drones to then begin ripping them apart and eating them. The scene as described in the book is horrific but the horrors that persist make me think of this moment of the book so often. This is just the reality, I have such a pain in my stomach thinking about it and I move on hoping that in our coming future, in moments when we can stop atrocities and fight for people that we do.
I don’t know if this is healthy, I feel like it is quite concerning to have this kind of view towards men who are delusional misguided, and to far down a trail of fuckery. I want things to be fair, which has unfortunately been escalated to violent thoughts since this is what I see and experience… and this kind of thought is more of law of equivalent exchange response, you do something bad and the response is to do something bad.. their is a moral dilemma (some days I don’t feel the dilemma as much) in this, but nonetheless I’m satisfied to play this scene out in my head when I see cases of femicide and abuse proliferating (these days).
What is sad is that I could just list out all the awful things happening to women, but again, it would be as long as history… Of course, the successful matriarchs we don’t talk about are often publicly hidden gems in our academic circles and deep in the internet searches. I will at some point make that list just as a dream it’s common knowledge in the future. For now, I rage… and we make room with our limited resources, which means if there is a man who is belittling you, just cut him out of your life, we are slowly losing more freedom so we need more space and resources, which means to weed out unnecessary destruction of our physical or mental wellbeing
“what about her-story? did anybody ask?” Ab-Soul
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in Lambeth county, suburban London, it seems there are actually too many honey bees according to my local community garden experts