focus group 2024
a body of work
something i imagine to make a short film with. to sit with and talk about things.
they grab the light, they bring me in.
light body
prop: found chipboard, found wire, found plastics, founds cotton yarn, metal, wood glue
city scape
prop: found glass, found wood material, sandpaper, metal wire, found sticker, string, plastic, pins, paint on top of a plinth
accept obey serve
prop: wood, mirrors, graphite on paper, masking tape, The Bees by Laline Paull
graphite on cut paper cemented between acrylic sheets
no worries
prop: step ladder, used card board box, masking tape, duck tape, looped 34 second video and text projection
not entirely sure how the script will be. I imagine sitting down in a room, a different room for every piece. and I speak about things, or I speak to someone about things, or I speak the propped about things.
I am not currently defining the thing because it changes to frequently and what sticks around seems to be the most important, time is a filter.
Sometimes maybe it’s not worth filtering so much, maybe I should just run down a hill with it like Paul McCarthy suggests.